Allies and Morrison have long occupied a curious place
within the perceived hierarchy of British architectural practices. They tend to
be viewed as creators of reliable yet un-iconic architecture. Yet this preference for fabric over the
iconic is deliberate, based as it is on a subtle reading of British cities.
A philosophy of urban design is central to their work. They
state their belief that the street has more historical continuity than
individual buildings. They state that they would like users to be unaware of
where their master-plans end and the surrounding fabric begins. Since they see
urban design as dealing more with
process than form, it is appropriate that the illustrations for projects like
King’s Cross and Brent Cross, Cricklewood
are expressed often in the form of street sections. For them the most important response to the
Great Fire of London in 1666 was not Christopher Wren’s masterplan but the building
code expressed in the 1667 Act for rebuilding the City of London.
I had long thought that Aalto must be a key influence on Allies and Morrison. This influence is drawn
not from the Aalto of exuberant organic form but of constrained, orthogonal
sites, the Stockmann Academic Bookstore being the Aalto building here examined as a
precedent. The lesson here seems to be that simple, orthogonal buildings can
work provided that their proximity does not reveal a poverty of detailing.
Indeed, this book confirms other expectations i.e. the key strategic issue for
the Olympic park was felt to be healing the rift that the Lea Valley imposed
upon east London.
The Stockmann Bookshop in Helsinki by Aalto
It is fascinating to see the rationale behind some of their
more famous projects. For instance, their strategy for the re-development of
the Royal Festival Hall; unlike more grandiose strategies for the South Bank,
their approach was to simply provide a
fabric or context for the building and
rationalise its interior by removing commercial uses to the outside.
Clearly they have always drawn on the example of Arabic
architecture so it is interesting to see
how they respond when given the chance to work in this context. Such projects
give them the opportunity to most fully express their vocabulary of urban
place-making, endowing sites in Doha and Beirut with a variety of external spaces such as alleys, pocket piazzas and gardens, all
framed by characteristically simple
buildings. In fact, whatever the context, be it
a Victorian building in London or a British cathedral city, their
response is more driven by qualities such as grain rather than style. Many of
their buildings have qualities in common with modern, abstract art; the
strategy seems to be that simple ideas gain strength through repetition.
In this Allies and Morrison building in Farnborough, surely
the influence of Aalto can be detected.
Future proposals for
Farnborough by Allies and Morrison
The book includes an essay by Robert Maxwell and Bob Allies
locating their approach to urban design in the context of urban design
theory, from the orthodoxies of CIAM to
the more nuanced approach we see today.
It can almost be read almost as a primer on the subject of
urban design.
( All photographs by author. A version of this article
appeared in Building Design)
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